Yeshiva Gedola of South Bend


Yeshiva Gedola of South Bend was founded with the goal of developing talmidim to reach their full potential in Gadlus b’Torah and Avodas Hashem.

Located in South Bend, Indiana, the Yeshiva attracts talmidim from across the country who desire a warm and welcoming place to learn and to grow. Under the auspices of the dynamic Menahel, HaRav Ami Zeiger and the Yeshiva’s dedicated staff of outstanding Rebbeim, talmidim are imbued with a love of Torah, a deep sense of responsibility for the Klal, and the proper Hashkafa for living and succeeding in today’s modern world.


“Great is Torah, for it confers life upon its practioners, both in this world and in the world to come.”

– pirkei avos, 6:7

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Our Mission

Yeshiva Gedola of South Bend fosters the growth of Talmidim based on a traditional Yeshiva curriculum, emphasizing excellence, both in the breadth and understanding of Torah. In addition, the Yeshiva’s Rebbeim work hard to understand each Talmid’s personal character and how they think and learn, which enables them to grow according to their individual strengths.

We strive for excellence in all areas of study, and our secular program as well is designed to meet these high standards. The end result is to give the talmidim the essential groundwork they will need in order to succeed in life as well as in their interactions with peers and society. The Yeshiva places a special emphasis on refined Midos, emotional growth, and personal responsibility, with the aim for developing the Talmud into a true Ben Torah.


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